Empowered Women in Finance

Empowered Women in Finance

Kim Shannon, CFA, MBA
Founder and Co-CIO

How on Earth do you Allocate Effectively When the U.S. Market has Grown so Large? (The Brandes Center)

Sionna's Founder and Co-CIO, Kim Shannon, participated in a discussion where members of The Brandes Center's Advisory Board shared ideas on what defines a "neutral" country allocation.

Energy Transition Opportunities: North American LNG

By the middle of this decade, we will likely be into the next phase of potentially lower global carbon emissions with the continued replacement of higher emission energy (coal) with lower emission options (natural gas). We will likely see North America solidified as a global cleaner energy exporter and energy independence also may occur within this timeframe. We believe there are plenty of investment opportunities within the energy space that will help the world reach this next phase, but patience is required.

A New Type of Trap

As value investors, we are often asked (sometimes more often than we would like!) how our investment process avoids the well-known value trap. So, at the 2023 Value Investor Conference held in London, when Ben Inker of GMO spoke about a little-known concept – that of growth traps – he confirmed our long-held suspicion that growth stock disappointments can be bigger threats to investor portfolios than the oft discussed value trap. His analysis piqued our interest.

Value Investing is Back. Here’s How to Profit From the Regime Change (Advisor’s Edge)

Co-CIO and Portfolio Manager, Stephen Jenkins, discusses the recent "regime change" and why he expects value's outperformance to continue.

Is Now the Time to Increase Allocation to Canadian Value Equities? (Plans & Trusts)

Sionna's Founder and Co-CIO, Kim Shannon, discusses where to find value opportunities in today's market.

Macro Value Investing: Navigating this Changing Market Environment (London Value Investor Conference)

Macro Value Investing: Navigating this Changing Market Environment (London Value Investor Conference)

Kim Shannon, CFA, MBA
Founder and Co-CIO

Beware of the Market’s Bad Breadth

Sionna's Co-CIO, Stephen Jenkins, discusses the poor market breadth in the U.S. market and what this type of environment has historically meant for investors. 

Company Spotlight: Stella-Jones

Portfolio Manager, Aleksy Wojcik, provides an update on one of Sionna's holdings, Stella-Jones, and why we believe it is an attractive opportunity for value investors.

Energy Update

Portfolio Manager, Aleksy Wojcik, provides an update on the ongoing energy "tug of war". In this piece, Aleksy discusses Sionna's view on energy, changes that have occurred within the space and specific catalysts that are on the horizon.